

Devlog: RPG (UE 4)

RPG Demo
Noah Day

This is more of a quick update as to some of the features that have already been implemented in this project:

  • Basic Movement: Basic movement was created for the character using the input system built into Unreal Engine. Animations are from an asset pack and were implemented using blend spaces.
  • Stamina: In addition to the basic movement, sprinting was implemented and added to the stamina system. A state machine was used to move between the different actions of the sprint (ex., a state for sprinting that moves into exhaustion and into recovery). Animations were updated to the blend space, and the UI reflected the sprint.
  • Basic UI: UI was added for the Health, Stamina, and Mana/Magic bars for the UI. As of now, only the stamina bar is fully integrated and reflects the values of the player's character

Next to implement:

  • Basic Combat
  • Basic Enemy AI